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Collaborative Expertise Partnership Form
Thank you for your interest in a collaborative expertise partnership. We do have a few qualifications and they are simple. Since the core of our mission is to highlight the best of the best regarding how many Google reviews wellness professionals have, we have to keep the same criteria for all of our collaborative partnerships.
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of 2
How many Google reviews do you have in comparison to your most reviewed competitors?
I believe I have more than anyone in my city
I'm not the most reviewed but I'm probably in the top 10 in my city.
I'm somewhere in the middle of the pack of my competitors.
Most of my competitors have a lot more Google reviews than I do.
I'm not really sure how I rank in comparison to my competitors.
What county in Southwest Missouri is your business in?
Choose your county
Greene County
Christian County
Jasper County
Newton County
My County Is Not Listed
We are currently only doing collaborations with the businesses in the counties listed above. We will be expanding to other counites in Central FL in the near future.
Which wellness industry are you in?
Select your industry
Healthy Eateries (Restaurant, Juice Bars, etc)
Massage Therapist
Facial Spa/Esthetician
Medical Spa
Pediatric Dentist
Personal Trainer
Physical Therapist
Regenerative Medicine
My Industry Is Not Listed
We are currently only doing collaborations with the list above and a few other industries that we personally reach to. So please come back to check out our list in the future.
Personal Details
Phone Number
Social Media Profiles
Business Name
YouTube Channel URL
Business Website URL
Instagram Page URL
Collaboration Interests
Type of Collaboration
Choose Collaboration Type
Expert Interview
Viral Giveaway
Content Creation
Guest Blogging or Vlogging
Service/Product Review
Event Hosting or Appearances
What other type of collaboration are you interested in doing with us?
Additional Information
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